Earth Day 2022...

"Invest In Our Planet", with Jiri- Rita Philosophy

Celebrating Earth Day

The Philosophy: Our business must benefit society at large not just our own interests

Our business goes far beyond commerce. Sumitomo Chemical India Limited (SCIL) has always put service before profit and used its wealth for community development. We firmly believe that it is possible to be ethical, socially responsible and profitable at the same time. This guiding philosophy, which is at the core of SCIL existed much before Corporate Social Responsibility came to be recognized as a model for ethical, sustainable and responsible business. SCIL is widely acknowledged as a responsible corporate owing to its long history in philanthropic initiatives. The company’s ultimate objective is to create social equity and facilitate prosperity for all.


Sustainability is a practise at SCIL. Our projects on Natural Resources Conservation resonate with the core area of sustainability.

Tree plantation and Tree Guards:

The project focuses on increasing the tree cover, its beautification and maintenance to protect the soil, enrich biodiversity, and create better environment around our manufacturing facilities.

Waste Water Management:

As India heralds towards a more developed economy, rapid industrialization has, hiked up the number of pollutants in our surroundings. One of these pollutants is wastewater. Management of wastewater through wastewater treatment plants in India has thus become imperative.

We filter drainage water from household and make it re-usable in agriculture and for gardening in our factory premises.

Replenishing Water Table:

Ponds and check dams are water reservoirs and play crucial role in meeting the water requirement of human beings and animals.

Some villages that have ponds and check dams but those cannot be used due to silt deposition in large quantity over a period of time; this reduces the water storage capacity. We collaborated with Village Panchayats, for de-silting and renovation of ponds so that water is available for household work, farming, drinking water for animals etc. The removed silt is also used as natural compost by nearby farmers.

earth day 2022 image

Drip Irrigation:

Modern agricultural practices support farmers in conserving water, improving farm productivity and reducing farming cost. Drip irrigation is one such farm practice that contributes in water conservation to large extent. In association with Gujarat Green Revolution Company (GGRC) and farmers, we provide drip facility in the areas around our manufacturing facilities. Having identified hurdles in enrolling farmers into drip installation programme; we work with our implementation partner to educate the communities.

Solar Hot Water System:

The solar hot water is great way to reduce carbon and other greenhouse emissions and protect our climate. Therefore, for affordable and clean energy and to ensure environment sustainability, we have provided Solar hot water system in the hostels.

Solar Street Light:

Solar lights conserve energy and reduce dependence on conventional energy. We have installed around 40 numbers of Solar Street Lights at PAM village, near our Tarapur factory.

Biorationals Next:

Sumitomo Biorationals Next Logo

We conducted a YouTube Live series “Biorationals Next”. The series educated the farmers and channel partners about the importance of biorational products for a sustainable future. Through this series we connected with 38, and channel partners. The SCIL team also adopted the concept of biorationals with high spirits.


Biorationals live session
Biorationals live session


SCIL Impact:

SCIL Impact

Improved green cover and sustainable environment.

Improved water retention capacity of ponds. It resulted in increased volumes of stored rain water.

Improved crop productivity and reduced farming cost due to Drip Irrigation, as compared to flood irrigation system.

Reached out to 38,462 farmers and channel partners through a series of live sessions on Biorationals Next.

Improved adoption of sustainability concept by the SCIL team.

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