What is the dose & spray time of Promalin®?

Promalin® Dose, Promalin® Spray Time - Mar 05, 2023

What is the dose & spray time of Promalin®?

Promalin® Helps Shape Success for Apple Growers.

Promalin® is the world's leading Biorational Product for the ADVANCED APPLE FRUIT MANAGEMENT for MAXIMUM FRUIT QUALITY. It is also considered as the best harvest management tool. Promalin® is known for its multifaceted benefits.

Promalin® Application Window

Most of the Indian apple varieties Including Red and Royal Delicious are characterized by "Typiness", which is the key quality indicator. Consumer preferences dictate that more the "typy" the Red and Royal Delicious, the better.

So for desired benefit, use Promalin® at
Full Bloom stage of Apple.

What are the ideal spraying conditions for Promalin速 applications

Dosage of Promalin®:

Use Promalin® 1.25 ml per 1 litre of water volume.

Note: Promalin® recommended dosage ranges between 840-1680 ml per hectare in 1000 liters of water.

Caution: 1.25 ml per 1 litre water recommendation is based on our internal trial at farmer fields.

For more information about Promalin® please click here.

Promalin® Helpline : +91 96500 54616

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